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October 25, 2007
Gotti's Way Recap - Episode 2 - Angie, Angie, Ain't It Good To Be Alive?


...and after this episode, so will you.

We open on a minor crisis in the Gotti household.


Kids at school have confronted Angie on the fact that she isn't Irv's biological daughter. Her last name is different, for one thing. If Salt were here, she'd rear back and scream, "Red flag! Red flag!" Anyway, Deb never changed Angie's name so Angie must at least have some clue that something's up, but Irv's never had that talk with her. "I don't want nobody to say nothing to Angie, yo," he says. Deb explains that Angie's gonna go through life and she's going to be faced with harsh reality at times. Why does Deb often seem so much more worldly that the mogul with whom she shares a couch?

So, Irv's gotta have that talk with Angie. But first: Lloyd!


Lloyd's ingenious single "You" has just blown up and it's time to promote it. He meets Lloyd in Atlanta for a photo shoot for his album. Irv says this shoot is important because Lloyd is young and thus far has had a hard time convincing older music fans that he's worth listening to. Irv hopes that this shoot will prove Lloyd's maturity so as to tap into that demographic.


And, you know what? At last someone cares about targeting the demographic of older black women. Seriously, Irv's a pioneer for merely considering them.

And then: more promotion. Lloyd's got an appearance on 106th and Park, and Irv invites Angie along to take it all in. To get it, shawty, if you will.


Lloyd tries on clothes for his BET appearance. One of his options is a fur-lined hoody.


Did he skin a Muppet? Angie's opinion is asked and she bluntly delivers:


Ha! She doesn't let admiration or being star-struck get in the way of her honesty. Angie is the real deal. She's seriously awesome.

On the way to 106 & Park...


...Irv talks about that hood again. He says he trusts Angie because she knows what the kids are into since she's, you know, a kid. "I don't know what the hell." OK, so now he's my mom. Mommy's Way is so my favorite show.


Angie just keeps getting more awesome, doesn't she?


Lloyd appears on the show and he's full of charisma. After, he runs backstage yelling, "Did you watch it, Irv?" No, he didn't -- he went all that way to forget. Of course he did. Irv tells him he was great. "Don't just be tellin' me that!" says Lloyd. Awww! He's an insecure young, male R&B heartthrob. Adorable.

They call on Angie's opinion. If this episode teaches us anything, it's that that's the wisest thing to do (even though Lloyd wore the Muppet skin, anyway). Angie answers flatly:


Ha. Can Angie please run for Queen of the World? I would totally elect her. After a quick stop at Power 105...


It's finally time for Irv to have that talk with Angie...


It's so touching and real and raw that I feel like I'm gossiping by writing about it. Irv explains that even if it's not biologically, "I am your daddy." "I love you more than I love myself. I'm your dad. Period. End of story." And Angie gets that. He tells her he loves her and she says that she loves him too. It's kind of beautiful for a reality show.


Later, Irv tells Deb that he wants Angie's last name changed to "Lorenzo" so that there are no more questions. That's love. That's real!

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Irv is a real man! not too many guys do what he did!!



Irv is the real deal. Who says that black men dont step up? I can do without all the cursing but I really appreciate his talk with Angie. Wish he could get it together in the relationship department. We are all falling in love with this guy...really rooting for him for a comeback! Go Inc (drop the murder irv. Also we know you are loyal, but rethink the supreme team nonsense.)

Be well.




Irv you awsome and sweet. you know what you need to do now?, be back with your wife and kids because you abviousle care too much about them andthey need to you around..deb is soo pretty...


Did lloyd already appear in gotti's way


Irv is a nasty, disgusting loser. A real man doesn't treat women the way he treats his wife. I just hope she gets smart one day and finds a real man! Maybe his behavior is normal in some communities, but not to normal people with morals. He has sex with anything with 2 legs and I wouldn't be suprised if he doesn't catch AIDS. That would be great so he would be out of the picture and his wife and kids could have all of his money and live a normal life!

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