If you're dying to see how the stars of Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew
have fared since the show wrapped, you're in luck: a reunion for the
show is being shot Monday, Feb. 25 in Los Angeles, and you can attend
the taping. You must live in the Los Angeles area (or will be traveling
to it at that time), and you must be 18 to attend the taping.
If you're interested, you can request tickets by emailing [email protected]. In the subject of the email, please write "REUNION TICKET REQUEST" and in the body please include the following information:
1. Your full name
2. The number of tickets that you want (max. 2 tix per request)
3. Your phone number
4. A working email address
5. If you are comfortable telling us we would love to know if you have
yourself been to rehab (We are looking to have a supportive community
in the audience.)
6. How you heard about this live event (this blog, TV, another source, etc.)
Related content
Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew show page