Gotti's Word is a new feature to the blog -- instead of taking it upon ourselves to recap Gotti's Way
every week, we're going to the titular man himself. Via a series of
interviews with Irv, this space will expand and expound upon issues
raised in every episode. We figure that Irv's world view is so singular
and his situations are so unique (ex. his relationship with his
not-yet-ex-wife Deb) that he has a lot of explaining to do. And explain
he does: no matter what you feel about Irv's lifestyle or philosophies,
one thing that you can't deny is his honesty. Whether this is endearing
or to a fault is up for you to decide.
After the jump, Irv talks about the state of the music industry, his
goals as a mogul, what "manning up" means and why it's good for kids to
fear their parents. "My mother whipped the s*** out of me," Irv
explains. Things get really real after the jump...