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July 09, 2007
Charm to Share: Behind the Scenes of the Charm School Reunion

I spent an entire day with the girls of Charm School. No one spit at me. No one cursed me out. And even though I was in and out of dressing rooms, I didn't even catch a nip slip. These girls have really come so far!

Put on your big girl boots and follow my journey, after the jump...

"The girls' arrivals are staggered," a manger from the Charm School production company 51 Minds told me. "That way, they don't all arrive at once. That way, we can handle them." Makes sense – you can take the girl out of Flavor of Love, you can attempt to teach her charm, but good luck ironing out the resentment or, more literally, ironing out her bound-to-be popping and swaying neck. Even Saaphyri, the girl who's supposedly the most refined, had plenty of smack to talk about her fellow students after the show wrapped (watch the video of a beef-heavy promo shoot here if you missed it when it was posted last week). These girls bicker and resent like doctors operate and cure. You could even say that they are charming not despite these qualities, but because of them. At least, I think so.

It was, then, to my delight that Brooke had an earful about her time on Charm School that she unleashed practically before I'd let go of her hand that I shook in greeting her. I met her in her dressing room – before filming, I like to hit as many dressing rooms as possible because once the girls are called to the set, they're pretty much fastened there and can't do much talking. "I could really give a s*** if I'm here or not," she told me, revealing months of resentment for Mo'Nique and for being dubbed the "whore of Charm School." "The only reason I came here was to say what I had to say. If [Mo'Nique] wants to play like she never said the word 'f***,' that's her business. Maybe she didn't like me because I'm skinny?" While Brooke is indeed skinny (and looked better at the reunion than I've ever seen her look), I pointed out that plenty of the girls are skinny, as well. "I really think she hates me. She never said one good thing about me ever," Brooke continued. "It's not like I took [my prom 'date'] home and sucked him off and f***ed him. I'm a party girl." I'll say! Brooke added that the bright side to being dubbed the "whore of Charm School," is that her club-hosting gigs are numerous. "They want flirts for their clubs!" Of course they do. I want a flirt on my couch. She also called out "stupid-ass gay Keith," but ultimately said that she wasn't portrayed wrong. I reasoned that she can't take the "whore" label too seriously: if you aren't charging, you aren't a whore, no matter what you're doing. "Exactly!" During this time, Brooke's dressing room-mate Courtney was trying on different outfits with the help of her own stylist (fancy!). She did, however, take out some time to pose with Brooke for a few shots.



The next room over contained Schatar and Becky. I'm not one to typically become starstruck or fawn over anyone on TV, but I could not wait to meet Schatar. I think Becky put it best in the promo-shoot video linked to above: "I wanna see if she exists in real life." Upon approaching the dressing-room door, I prayed: "Please let her have brought Cash. Please let her have brought Cash." Cash is Schatar's dog, a papered Pekinese, whom, as she told me in my interview with her, is part Persian cat. I always wanted to meet a cat dog. We opened the door and, behold: Cash was waddling around on the floor. I said hi to everyone quickly and then went straight for the dog. "He'll probably smell your cat. Well, he usually smells other dogs," Schatar told me. O…K? Cash seemed a little skittish so I refrained from doing what I wanted to do (scooping him up and blowing raspberries on his belly while telling him how special he was). Instead I just took a picture.


I talked briefly to Schatar and Becky as they were preparing themselves, and then all of a sudden, inches away from my eyes a woman wearing a shiny kimono standing is directly in front of me, facing the opposite direction and pulling up her hair to reveal a vertical scar running down the length of her neck. I had no idea what the hell was going on, who this person was or how to react. Do I say, "Pretty!"? Or maybe, "Hello person I haven't been introduced to yet. That unique mark suggests you're an alien, which brings the number of mythical creatures up to three, counting cat-dog Cash and the unique personality that is Schatar."? After a few mind-boggling seconds, all was explained: this was Schatar's mom, and she was showing me the scar to prove that Schatar's sob story as related to Andrew Firestone about her mom being confined to a wheelchair was actually true.


"I've been rear-ended 5 times," the self-described "walking miracle" Cynthia White, M.D. told me. She'd been in a wheelchair for three and a half years, but now she can walk again. "I fight every step of the way to stay upright, to keep my head up," she said. The same could be said for a lot of the girls in the building, and only slightly less literally. Fascinating as Cynthia White, M.D., was, I did have girls to tend to, so I got pictures with Becky (who's a huge supporter of the blog – she gives me feedback and is virtually in constant communication. Unfortunately, I didn't get to really chat with her, but it's cool because she's always seriously a text message away) and Schatar, whom I have to emphasize, it was a pleasure to meet. If I look particularly shiny in the picture with Schatar, it's obviously because of the starpower that was just radiating from her.

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(You've figured out by now that you can click on most of these pictures for larger versions of them, right?)

Before the next room, I ran into Darra, rocking a shorter, flattering do:


Then, I checked in with Shay, who had a room all to herself.

She told me that she just filmed a spot in Deelishis' forthcoming "Rumpshaker" video. "Is Wendy Williams gonna be here?" she asked me. I had no idea, but I doubted it. Shay looked disappointed and explained that she's been on Wendy's show a few times. I mentioned that I liked when she was on The Wendy Williams Experience, flirting with Charlemagne. She said she knew he was excited, "when I came in looking all cute and stuff." Adorable. Shay had gone to the BET Awards the night before – after informing me of that, she added that Larissa had to sneak in because she couldn't score an invite. Shay also mentioned the story that ran on MediaTakeOut.com last month, claiming that Larissa and Shay got into a knock-down, drag-out brawl at a club. "They're such liars! That story was totally false. I mean, I'm glad they said I won, but…" She was equally mystified by the rumor that circulated suggesting she was dating Andre 3000. "I mean, I would..."

Just outside Shay's door, I ran into Cristal, looking phenomenal, actually.


Nearby was Saaphyri. At the Flavor of Love 2 reunion, Saaphyri was the source of all sorts of humor – she kicked things off (from my perspective) when I caught her smoking and drinking outside, way before the taping. "Let me put my vices away," she told me. "No, don't!" I said, and the result was this picture. She remembered that, and said this time, "You always catch me with vices!" "You always have them!" She didn't emphasize her vice in the first shot...

...But in this second one with Shay, you can see that her drink was totally on display.


I love Saaphyri's slightly devilish expression, as if to say that this drink was insurance for a good show. And so it would be. Sapphyri soon encountered someone who referred to her only as "Lip Chap! Lip Chap!" I would imagine that she gets that a lot. They should have burned that name in the fire. Although, I guess it doesn't represent something ugly – just something dry and flaky.

Downstairs, the girls were mic'ed...


And then they lined up to make their way to the stage.


The audience was already in its place (behind and to the right of where the girls would sit) and some of the girls were already out there. I talked to the ones preparing to hit the stage and eavesdropped on their conversations. Becky told me that she doesn't eat seafood because fish pee in the ocean. Interesting. "Is Krazy here?" Saaphyri asked. "No," said Becky who really knows all things about all people – she's nothing if not lucid about this entire experience and universe. She's the one you call when you need someone's address while you're filling out your Christmas cards or, I don't know, funeral invitations. "Krazy's not here? That's crazy!" said Saaphyri, her goofiness busting out of her upgraded façade, much like her breasts were busting out of that corset. "So, what's up with your porno career?" Saaphyri asked Jen who'd just joined the group, as casually as if she were talking about Jen's outfit. Jen explained to Saaphyri that she doesn't have a "career" per se and that the video that made the most recent controversy, Toastee Exposed, was a sex tape belonging to her former boyfriend that was being released without her permission. "Whatever, if he wants to show his little d*** to the world, he can," said Jen. That's the spirit!


Things weren't as light when it came to Thela, who, as you can see in this picture might as well have a storm cloud hanging over her like a villain from the Care Bears or Rainbow Brite or something:


I asked her how she felt about being there and she let out a disgusted sigh as if I'd asked her for a kidney and handed her a scalpel. "Why? What are you going to do? Write it down?" Well, I'd surely write that down. "Maybe!" I told her. "It depends how interesting it is." "I feel like I wanna go home and I want my check," she told me. Fair enough! Cristal seemed just as put out but wasn't going to take it out on me. "I am an exaggerated audience member to all the bulls*** that's about to occur," she told me. "I am an egotistical a**hole," she added, lampooning the commonly held conception of her. I thought she was sweet and, yes, charming. "You have nice teeth. I like teeth," she told me. "Write that down." Duh. I wanted to tattoo it on my head, as it came from the most aesthetically focused girl in the bunch. It's not everyday that you get a compliment from a working model. Cristal has officially signed her name across my heart.

Otherwise, smiles abounded backstage:




And on the stage, too. I snapped a bunch of these during downtime.


You can see that the proximity to the audience meant that the girls had plenty of strangers to talk to. I love the T-shirt that says, "YOUR A WHORE. PEACE." That's how I'm going to start signing all my email, sic and all.



As I was trying to shoot the weird way that Cristal is sitting on Brooke's chair (I thought it was funny that the so-called "whore of Charm School" was so friendly with her space)...


...you can see that Shay is totally smiling at my camera in the picture below on the left. She's hilarious. Equally hilarious is Schatar's mugging in the picture on the right. These girls are always on – visiting their world is like stepping into a 24/7 Techinicolor Oz and they're certainly among the personalities who make it infinitely brighter.

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After going backstage, I saw La La. I gushed – I really think she's awesome at hosting these things. She has the perfect balance of respect and sternness to deal with this pack of, newfound charm or not, reliably unruly girls. When she threw down and put Becky in her place after the shoe-throwing incident during the Flavor of Love 2 reunion, La La had my respect for good. I told her how awesome I thought she was and she was appreciative and nice. I asked her if she was excited for the reunion and she said with an air of resign, "I'm used to it." Don't let on that you're out for that much of a good time, La La! She also made me show her the picture I took of her. Quality control, I suppose. Whatever: she looked great (and better-rested than during the I Love New York reunion, when she had just given birth to her baby).


With all the girls except for crazy Krazy and Larissa (more on her later, obviously) on the stage, Mo'Nique made her way down with a huge entourage. A big queen needs a big court, I suppose.

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I approached her, introduced myself and told her that I interviewed her via phone just before Charm School started. There was no real indication that she knew who I was, as I'm one of many who have interviewed Mo, until I said, "You called me king!" (I had specifically asked her to call me "king," after asking a question about her dubbing the girls "queen" as she tends to do on the show. I just wanted to feel special!) "Oh yeah, Rich!" Haha, I'm totally Mo'Nique's king and you're not. Mo'Nique seemed pleased with the show – she said that people all the time approach her and tell her how they tuned in to laugh and ended up moved. "I think that's because this is the most real reality that TV's ever seen," she explained. "People say to me, 'I didn't know it was going to be deep.'" I asked if she was excited to be at the reunion, as she really did seem to be in a wonderfully pleasant mood (honestly: I was expecting at least slightly more divatude). "I can't wait to see what the ladies have done," she said. Meanwhile, I couldn't wait to see what they'd do. I said my goodbyes since I didn't want to take up too much of her time and she told me, "Thank you, brotha." Again, I must gloat: haha, I'm Mo'Nique's brother and you're not (and I'm not even, you know, a brother).


And then it was time for the show taping, which I watched backstage via monitors (like this). Schatar was the first called up, strutting and mugging every step of her short walk to the stage. "Go on, get your 15 minutes," said Mo. Soon after they started talking, something had to be reshot, forcing Schatar to reenter. "You guys are going to get to see the difference between the real Schatar and the actress Hottie," she told the audience as she scurried back to her seat. Luckily for all of us, both are descendants of royalty. Of course, as you saw on the show, Mo went onto berate Schatar and her flaky behavior. My favorite moment, maybe of the entire reunion, is when Mo unleashed a multi-minute tirade to which Schatar responded, "I thank you for your kind words." You didn't even need a sound effects guy to hear ringing after that one.

A few girls chimed in from their seats from their peanut gallery. As you saw on the reunion special, once Cristal started cursing repeatedly, Mo interrupted her. "We gon' get through this as respectable women!" she said, verbalizing wishful thinking. At least she would. Case and point: Mo's patience in the face of the perpetually ranting and raving Thela. Thela started screaming from the audience, "Everything we were told was a lie!" regarding the show and its premise. She's complained about this a lot (there's VSPOT footage of her saying much the same thing), but I've never heard her actually explain what she's talking about. No matter: Mo called her onstage for an impromptu, whispered therapy session. It lasted 10 minutes. At this point, I was impressed with Mo's dedication to and interest in smoothing things out with the girls. My admiration would only grow as the day moved on.

Mo's chat with Thela prompted another lecture, this time to all of the girls. "By no means do I want you to walk away from this thinking that I did it for numbers and for my career," she said. "Put on your big girl boots because you played a big girl game! If any of you need to throw down and fight, let's go backstage because I will not be a part of the exploitation of my sisters."

That calmed things down for real. The filming went much the way you saw it on TV, just a bit longer. A few highlights: Mo's further vilification of dark liquor (I've seen people on vodka act just as whorey, girl), Brooke's coinage of the phrase "naked-ass body," Cristal's tossed off, "F*** Charm School…I mean, 'Eff Charm School,'" and Saaphyri's open laughter when La La suggested that winning Charm School wasn't all about the money.

While the girls were shooting sass on stage, there was a sass machine backstage. Larissa had been sequestered from the rest of the girls all day – her dressing room wasn't even in the same building. She wasn't backstage for most of the show, but she did watch some of it in a room reserved for producers and guests just one room over from the main stage.


Not far from there, she filmed her first spot (the split screen with Shay).


People backstage were sort of jarred by her presence, sort of looking at me weird and whispering, "Did you talk to her?" I hadn't, but I figured I should. The first thing I did was take this picture:


Even though my opinion of Larissa dropped considerably when she wouldn't even so much as return my call for an interview, I can't deny that she really looked amazing. "I'm disappointed that I didn't get to interview you," I said. She dropped her Cheshire grin and said, "Oh, well that's [a behind-the-scenes staff member's] fault." She had beef with someone over interviews and, because I work for VH1, didn't want to participate in an official VH1 interview. Practically speaking, however, it was no one's fault but her own for not picking up her damn phone. I really, really, really wanted to retort something very close to this. Unlike a lot of people, I'm not scared of Larissa – I figure that if she goes off, she can only give you a story to tell and if she actually touches you, you could sue her (I mean, did you see her house?). But I thought better of riling up the talent before she had to go on – messing around with the on-air universe could be as detrimental as Marty McFly seeing his fellow time-traveling self in 1955. I didn't want to rip a hole through time or anything.

Meanwhile, between segments, the girls would hit up the craft services table. I was really happy to see Cristal voraciously eating. I know that she cares about her figure, but thank god she isn't starving herself to live up to society's expectations. She looks great, regardless. She looks even better when posing with a buffalo wing and some blue cheese dressing.


I commented that I thought it was great that she's such a healthy eater. "Oh, I'm a total pig," she said. Brooke, who was standing next to her, piped up: "You are not a pig!" Immediately, in the sepia-toned flashback of my memory, I saw Dean Keith's spiel about putting lipstick on a pig that was aimed at Brooke, and wondered if she was protesting because by calling herself a pig, Cristal was sort of stealing Brooke's title. Could you imagine the size of the loogie that would have risen from Brooke's lungs had someone called themselves a whore? Saaphyri came close: I saw her standing near the craft services table and say, "I'm trying to get at least one piece of meat." Aren't we all, Saaphyri? Aren't we all?

Oh, and here's something random:


Flav popped in! For, like, no good reason, he was backstage during the taping. Just briefly, though – I don't believe that any of the girls got to see him. I'm laughing hard in that picture, btw, because of the ridiculous configuration he thought our hands should be in. I thought we were going to bust out into "Miss Mary Mack" any second.

Anyway, it was time for Shay and Larissa's segment to tape, which was about 5,000 times more chaotic to watch in person than what aired on the reunion special. As they two had their split-screen showdown, there was barely a pause from either side. It was a constant stream of sound coming from both of them – it was sort of shocking that they heard each other at all since they were both talking so damn much. In my estimation, Shay acted out but it was to merely stand her ground. Larissa seemed far more hostile and baiting. At one point, she told Shay that she looked like a monkey (I don't believe that this made it to air, but I know that Mo'Nique later referenced it). Shay's response? "Kill yourself." To give credit where it's due: Larissa did say that she regretted the picture incident and that it never would have happened if she knew that Leilene's mother (who was in the picture) was dead. Darra and Schatar both piped up, with the former handling herself with the class that she generally does (basically: she doesn't hold a grudge for getting kicked off as a result of the picture incident) and the latter using any opportunity to talk about herself. While Schatar was clearing the air about not being a gold digger (again), Larissa called her a "motherf***er." That set Schatar running backstage. "No one calls me an MF!" she fumed. Seconds later, a talent manager told her to go back out to her seat and she obliged. So much for standing your ground. Thela also flew backstage in a rage – she'd do so at least one more time, complaining that she had somewhere to be. The aforementioned talent manager, quite awesomely, told her in response: "So do I. Now get back out there!" I didn't see Thela again until it was time to go.

Larissa was eventually brought to the stage, and, as you can see, she was surrounded by security:


She continued her squabble with Shay face-to-face. And then Mo'Nique took the stage and "walked up on" Larissa. The first thing Mo said was, "This will never make it to air." I like Mo and all, but COME ON. It's nice seeing the ladies evolved, but this is what we were waiting for (a point underlined by the fact that this scene is what led the previews for the reunion special). Mo again broached the subject of black women representing themselves in an uncivilized manner. In response, Larissa's mother sprung up out of her seat, ranting that Mo could have "changed how this was depicted." I think she meant the series as a whole and I'm certain that she meant Larissa's behavior, but again I say: COME ON. It was amazing that she somehow believed that Larissa needed any help coming from editing when it came to looking bad. Did she not just watch her daughter, minutes earlier, rant, rave and call Shay a monkey, live and in person? The sense of entitlement radiating from Larissa's mother and, I suppose, Larissa by extension. was nothing short of unreal. I've never seen such a stunning lack of self-awareness and I've studied Ted Haggard pretty closely.

When Larissa's mother approached the stage, it was suddenly filled with people standing up, a la Jerry Springer. It looked like pandemonium for a while. Mo preached the whole time, for about 20 minutes. When things settled down and a chair was pulled up for Larissa's mother, things appeared more like an episode of Oprah. It went on and on and on like this for at least 40 minutes. Mo began to lose her voice. People got antsy. Saaphyri went outside for a cigarette.


As Mo tried and tried and tried to get through, people lost their patience. You couldn't really blame them with this kind of exchange:

Larissa: I know who I am.
Mo: Who are you?
Larissa: I know who I am.
Mo: Who are you?
Larissa: I'm a wonderful person.
Mo: What makes you wonderful?
Larissa: What makes you wonderful?

And on and on. A few producers detected what could have been finishing points, parts of Mo's sermon that seemed particularly underlined and definitive and so they tried to lead the audience in applause, to help wrap things up. The taping began at 4 and it was, at this point, 8:30. But nothing worked. Mo, who by now was absolutely hoarse, finally had to be interrupted so that La La could wrap things up. Mo was gracious about it – I think she understood that things had gone on for too long. But she also understood that in order for things to change, they'd have to go on even longer. The audience filed out, the stage lights were turned down, and no one moved: Mo, Larissa, Larissa's mom and Shay all remained on stage, as you can see in these fairly blurry pictures.

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Check back tomorrow because I'm going to post an interview with Shay -- she let me know what went down during these moments that the camera wasn't rolling. After watching them for a few minutes, I had even more respect for Mo. Even viewers craving drama ended up without the patience for Larissa (I'd say at least 80 percent of comments regarding her on this blog are negative), but there was Mo, talking to Larissa even without an audience present to appreciate her effort. Mo likes to call the girls "queen" and carries herself with something of a regal air, as well. But here, she was virtually at the service of Larissa and her mother. It's a humbling position for a star to take, but I doubt she thought anything of it. The most bizarre thing is that the absence of cameras made the scene that much more fantastic. To borrow a phrase Mo used earlier in the day, "the most real reality," was the perfect way to put it.


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rich--i love that you laugh at the girls when appropriate but you don't look down on them. i think they are all beautiful but sadly scarred. mo was real and awesome. i wish that more black women had as much respect for themselves (myself included) as mo does. thanks for your recaps... they are great!


i love larissa,also shay is fake.

Kelby Davis

Larissa is a very beautiful woman, but it is her vicious attitude that makes her presence the ugliest. I think it is sad that she feels the need to be so abrasive and violent, without cause. Her attitude makes her so unapproachable, I wouldnt give her water if she was thirsty, for fear of her being so ungrateful about it. I also didnt appreciate the fact that her mother tried to check Mo, when clearly Larissa was the one out of control.

Danielle Jones

Well, Well, Well...What can I say about this reunion. It was very different. Everybody seemed pretty well mannered, as if Charm School really changed them. But "Bootz" or "New York", or whatever persona Larissa is trying to embody, was totally ridiculous and uncalled for. It's a shame that she couldn't present herself like an actual human being. I guess when your 15 minutes of fame is running out you have to pull out all the stops.

Shay on the other hand, I think she caried herself appropiately, considering Larissa was being overly unfair to her. She spoke clearly without ever breaking her composure.


I mean it was sad to larissa and shay not friends. Larissa we was yo fans how u and yo mamma step to mo like dat i wanted to come through the t.v. screen and beat u our self girl u need help really I hope mo can help as we looked at these interveiws now i know why u acted the way u did all i got to say (every body got a story) and the old saying is who u are is how u got brought up but i really do hope u recieve help and be friends with shay again...........


You are correct, Larissa is a very beautiful girl, but what do they say about beautiful people? They are all mostly ugly on the inside. Ugly with envy and a whole lot of other things. Larissa thought that probably because she was prettier than Shay that she would have the upper hand. Never would she have thought that Shay would tell Mo what was going on. At least Shay saw the light, Larissa was never your friend to begin with, she only wanted someone on her side. And yes, she is a dumb kid who needs to learn to speak and be able to express herself without screaming and carrying on like she is from the streets. Her mother is also not a very good example, if she was a good mother, she would have checked Larissa when she disrespected Monique right there. Obviously she is the loud type like her daughter. Shay keep your head up, and you don't need friends like that, you will go a long way if you avoid such characters like Larissa.


Larissa, stop trying. You're not getting a spin-off show like New York. While New York is crazy, she's entertaining. You on the other hand are just trifling. And shame on your mama to be an enabler and rush the stage to defend her little brat who did nothing but act like a hood rat.

As for the rest of 'em, eh. I think Leilene and Becky probably came across the best. Brooke still looks she smells of tuna fish and sour milk. Thela's still insane and so is Hottie.

Mo, I give you props for even bothering with Larissa. Let her be. Like you said, one day she'll find somebody who won't back down from her and all that'll be left of her will be a pile of extensions and some fake nails.


I thought larssia was a big kid she couldnt have a conversation with out screaming and being ready to fight she needs help and needs to come to la or watts with that attitude i bet when she leaves she will be a hold new person and have a new attitude the rst of the gyrl were great i relly love the show and mo keep up the good wrk

ps larssia if you have something to say email me personally thanks


Me and my group of friends decided that Larissa was mad that her mother was sick like with some sad disease thats why she was so mad at the world. i don't think it was fake that she acted that way she prolly just was real mad tat her mother was sick and she prolly had to take care of her moms for so long and she also prolly mad that she got no one to help her out..so i guess i see why she so mad she need some help mentally so that she can succeed in life or she will perpetually be an angry black man

Nicole aka ladycole

where was krazy? i didnt see her at all.


Ok, for the most part the reunion was really good. I was glad when Mo came out and wanted to ladies to conduct the show with class and dignity. I thought they might manage to have that happen. And then came Larissa and Shay and Larissa's mom. Frankly her mom should have smacked her in the mouth! Mo' showed class for even apologizing to Larissa. Like they said all season, Larissa is a child. A selfish brat!! Hopefully she'll learn the lessons that everyone tried to teach her. I give Mo' all types of props though cause I'm sure that on some level she wanted to pop Larissa slam in the mouth!

the real american idol

larisse is a menace she makes us black women look terrible i dont know why shes so angry. its sad to see such a beautiful person so ugly on the inside. i think shay has become more of lady bcuz it took alot of guts to apologize for her wrongdoings on air. i also love leilene and saaphyri


Well I love Saaphyri, she was the most real to me, she knows when to be aggresive, funny and how to be a lady too. Larissa...well she ain't that important...and she ain't too pretty either,LOL she reminds me of an Ugly Mufasa from Lion King, and what happened to her mom's hairline??...hahahahahahaha! Shay...girl u the bomb!!!I like Shay she's beautiful, and very open in personality, she knows when to be what and when to do what, she fits well. And Brooke contradicted herself several times, but she's not important either, I actually thought she was a better person, but she's a hater too,, she should date larissa, LOL. I thought Mo' was great, and I admire her for her words and the way she carried herself in the confrontation with Larissa. Mo' had nothin' to loose, Larissa did all that show and all that uglyness of her face when she argued, and for what? She still continues to be the looser, Mo' is still makin' money and makin' fans, u go girl, for not gettin' on that level with a little girl who has no talent!!!


i think larissa mom coming on and saying all that to Mo not only did she look stupid you couldnt tell who looked more stupid larissa or her mom. Mo gave larissa many chances but she cant help someone who doesnt want to be help. Just like what MO said larissa is going to come across some one like her who isnt going to back down. larissa is going to have many problems in her life if she doesnt change that little girl attitude she a grown woman she dont need her mom holding her hand threw life and i think that is why larissa acts the way she those and if i ever met larissa SH"E IS GOING DOWN


Rich, you are absolutely fabulous for this blog! Love it!

To Mother Larissa and Larissa

To Mother Larissa and Larissa

You both presented yourselves with no self control. What did Monique say or do to warrant you to jump out of your seat? What were you trying to prove, everything you and your daughter did was based on emotions and not sensibility that lead to accountability. Monique cleaned up what you made, your daughter was disrespectful from the start and here you come applauding what she was doing. I’m a mother of many and I’m no push over, not by a long shot, but I would have sat and listened to what Monique had to say. If there was something inappropriate I would have addressed it by asking why. You reacted because another woman was speaking to your daughter with strength and that’s WHAT you did not like period! Mother Larissa you are so blind you can’t see forest for the trees.

Your daughter put herself in a position for people to comment on her. Poster Stephanie Dunn I understand how you must feel, Monique did come out strong but Larissa came out the gate strong as usual, Monique handle the situation the way it was suppose to be handle.

Mother Larissa said Charm School did not teach her daughter anything, Charm School taught your daughter plenty but the question is, did Larissa apply what was taught?


Rich, thanks for the recaps. You are just as entertaining on this blog as on fourfour. Winston should have intervied Cash, now then the drama would have flowed.


seein larissa's mother explains why she acts the way she does. larissa is very childish and immature,and so is her mother. when she disrespected monique,her mother should been up there telling her to apologize not tellin monique to get out her face. larissa and her mother neeed to grow up!


I'm glad Shay handled herself the way she did. I love her and she carried herself very appropriately while still giving Larissa a piece of her mind.

Larissa is my favorite and I love her but even her most adoring fans have to admit she is a little girl. She needed to be a grown woman in the situation and not let her mommy take over. We see where she gets her attitude from now. If her mother would stop babying her then maybe she would be able to have a little self control instead of her mommy coming to her rescue. On the other hand, I do love her fire and determination to get her point across and stand her ground even if she's cussin at everbody. She looked fabulous and she will always be my favorite. She's my idol but even I can admit that she needs to grow up a little.


Larissa grow the hell up! aren't you tired of yelling about nothing. Your a pretty girl and you're making yourself ugly. Shay stay up! I like your demeanor, your growing nicely. Leliene your a beautiful flower that has blossomed. Saaphyri I Love You. Skys the limit. I get the feeling you have a relationship with the Lord. If so, put Him first and you will have His favor.


Larissa grow the hell up! aren't you tired of yelling about nothing. Your a pretty girl and you're making yourself ugly. Shay stay up! I like your demeanor, your growing nicely. Leliene your a beautiful flower that has blossomed. Saaphyri I Love You. Skys the limit. I get the feeling you have a relationship with the Lord. If so, put Him first and you will have His favor.


i have a question wuld someone PLEASE!!!!answer so u tellin me larissa n shay were arugin more than once cuz he said dat dey had 2 retape dat o s many times i wouldv of been tired of talkin afta da 1st time n ready 2 bump

umm no

I haven't seen the reunion special yet but as for everything that happened between shay and larissa...they both need to take responsiblity for their actions...shay should have never outted larissa the way she did and should have spoken only for herself and not anyone else...i think in a way she did betray her friendship with larissa and she had reason to be mad, shay gave off this fake vibe throughout the show but she clearly changed in the end...larissa should've forgave her friend...then again is any friendship on these shows even real??? NY and Smily...Pumpkin and Smily...they all are kindof fake, it's reality tv


1. Why didn't Larissa's mother come forward when that flavor flav guy was messing around with his daughter on national television?
2. Why would the mother come forward when Monique was attempting to better the daughter and not when the daughter was with flav on the other show?
3. What are we missing here?
4. Monique, if you have any job openings please contact this writer because there are too few Monique's in this world and you appear to be a great individual to work for.


What I saw was a disgrace to any human race. The only ones that seem as if they have changed was Shay, Becky, Safarryi and Leleine. The rest of them needed much help.

Let me start off saying, that as a parent myself, if my child was using some of the language that these so-called women was using, my teeth would have been on the floor.

I watched as Monique was talking to Larissa "New York" wanna be and she is literally cursing Mo out like she is beneath her. I thought Mo was about to put her foot in somebody butt.

Larissa mother.... All I can say is whatever happened to the mothers that would not take "any" mess from their children. I thought Larissa mother was her big sister.

In conclusion, these women need to dress like women and not not prostitutes.

Becky should have put on something that would hide her boobs.

Larissa needed a dress on in her size and not the dress from her baby doll.

Shay, sorry but the same for you too.

Safarryi and Leleine looked as if they were the only two that looked decent.

Then you wonder why men degrade women in all of their songs. This the image that they portray. If this is the generation that we have to look forward to, then the world might as well end today.

My mother once told me that your personality is what attracts people to you and your attitude draws them away.

Larissa, only thing I have to say is she needs to listen to someone b/c she will find someone that is just like her and her mother is going to get the call that she dreads.... Ma'am, can you come and identify the body.

Peace out

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