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July 18, 2007
Ask Doc Ali


Scott Baio Is 45...and Single may be all about Scott Baio, but his life coach, Doc Ali, isn't. In addition to helping Scott sort out his love woes on TV, she's helping our readers sort out their problems online. If you need some advice on love, life and/or work, drop Doc Ali a line here. And check this spot every week to see if Doc has answered your questions.

After the jump, Doc Ali doles out her first helping of virtual guidance.

OMG! my wedding is in 3 weeks and im starting to stress big time! what should i do? i am super excited about it though. thanks for getting me here.... i owe it all to your work! - Jennie

Doc says: Jennie, Jennie, Jennie, Breathe and Enjoy the process! There will never be another three weeks exactly like these again in your life. Revel in the chaos, laugh a lot, and celebrate your love for family, friends, and your MAN! Love to you during this amazing time! Doc Ali

I am 53 and never married. I am in love with a woman that I have known for over 20 years. We have had an on mainly off relationship. She is the world to me but she does not want a relationship with me. How can I change her? - Jeff

Doc says: Jeff, I’m sure this doesn’t surprise you to hear, but you can’t change her. Only you and it’s time to move on. I have to tell you, if it hasn’t happened in 20 years, it ain't happening. You deserve “happening”. We all do. And by the way, you are not ‘in love’ with her. You just think you are. The problem is you are not loving yourself enough to know that you want a Big Love and will not settle for anything less. Take a risk. Tell her you want a woman who is crazy about you and you are ready to change your attachment to her. You may find that she becomes much more attracted to your strength then your desperate weakness. Doc Ali

Doc Ali,
I have a client that is an incredible man, is 46 and single and loosing faith that he will meet Mrs. Right. He has done a lot of work on himself and is very aware of his behaviors. Do you have any neat exercised for relationship or finding the right one? Thanks Doc Ali - you are great.
- Jane

Doc says: Jane, I would have him follow my create it, trust it, act it, and risk it plan for finding relationships. First, he needs to spend time creating his ideal partner. Have him write her qualities and characteristics out in specific detail. No limits. No holding back. Next, instruct him to write out five beliefs reinforcing that he is deserving of a great relationship. Sayings that reinforce that he trusts his life and that everything is moving according to plan. Things like “I know she is coming to me in perfect timing”. Step three, Act it, is living life as if he already has what he wants. Walking like he’s in love, talking like he’s in love, and loving life with the exuberance of a new perfect crush. You must be in the state of love to attract love. Finally risk it. You can never find love sitting on your couch (unless you have a hot female plumber). Risk it means encouraging your client to put himself in situations to meet the kind of woman he wants and approach her when he sees her. He’s gotta step out if he wants to make out! Good Luck to him. Doc Ali

I got divorced a little while ago and it is taking so long to be able to function. Is there something I can do to move forward and rearrange my life? - Lynn

Doc says: Lynn, Be gentle with yourself. Divorce can be a painful process. At the same time, there are things you can do to move the process along. Two important things right now, are to focus on gratitude and create the vision of your new life. Every day, write five things you are grateful for. Your life is so amazing and you have no time to waste. Next, take time to create your vision of where you want to be in 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, and 5 years. Be detailed and specific. Read your vision every day. Breathe in the feelings of it. Step into it’s joy and excitement even if you are taking small steps. Just think thoughts that help you feel a little better whenever you can, and you will heal through this. Trust the reasons behind every situation, even if you don’t understand it in the moment. Doc Ali

I am always getting involved with women without realizing that they are not right for me. How can I break out of this pattern? - Shecky

Doc says: Shecky, your answer is simple.  Decide what you want.  Be specific with what is negotiable and non-negotiable.  Write it down before hand.  When it’s a non-negotiable, don’t even go there.  Or have the guts and self-esteem to get out as soon as you know.  Don’t settle, trust that your woman is out there.  Doc Ali

Remember: submit your questions to Doc Ali here.


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Every relationship i have, i look for excuses to run away. I think i create reasons because relationships scare me. I've been hurt in the past and I know that has something to do with it. But I think it's also because I am a perfectionist and I always feel like there might be something out there better. When I find things are going wrong I assume - that if I'm in love I shouldnt feel this way and it just gives me another reason to run. Because I'm waiting till marriage, i have a hard time with relationships because i feel no guy would want to wait that long. so i get anxiety being intimate with guys due to that and also my own insecurities and thats why i make relationships more difficult and stressful then they need to be. What should i do?



Bernie Brink

I've only seen one episode so far of Scott Baio, but his problem is he's got to put some reins on that posse of his. Scott goes to see his agent and the other guy tries to get the agent to get him an acting job. Scott goes to sign autographs with Erin Moran and his friend gets into a beef with her. I mean - Who's the celebrity here??? These guys are the POSSE! Not the star! Scott needs to get them to settle down and focus. Dr. Ali should also be telling Scott to not see his FRIENDS for 8 weeks too!


Scott should of stayed in Hef's grotto under that rock. Sex addict who has lost his mojo. Unbelievable tv,,, oh what a magical tool the channel changer is. Doc please help Scott stay within the grotto walls!!!


Do disabled women scare men off? Or is that most men are wussies? I have an education, a career, have friends, drive, and yet, guys just never think to ask me out? Yes, I have guy friends but it seems as if they never notice ME. I just feel like I'll never find anyone the planet that I can connect with. I'm almost 40 and I like being me, just wish someone else did. What am I doing wrong?


I think I too have the Scott Baio Syndrome. When I was younger, I got teased a lot by guys and they always pretended to like me. Because of this, I was not able to get into a real relationship until I graduated from college. That relationship only lasted for 6 months. There was never any real trust there. And I also felt scared to have more feelings for him then he would for me. Just a lot of insecure there. And I too was also looking for the next best thing as well. I just felt like I didn't need to settle for the first thing I get. I have seen the women in my family settle too quickly, and they are miserable. Overall, I think I'm just shy. I have given guys my phone #, but yet, they never seem to call me back. In the back of my mind, when I do come in counter with a guy, I always think it's going to be the same scenario like it was in junior high & high school. Because of this fear, I just don't act approachable, or interested, even if I am. I keep sending guys the wrong signal. But what am I supposed to do? I don't know how to act any other way! Please help me!


has Scott Baio always been this uptight with his life?


I think one problem Scott has is his friends... I'm not saying he should drop any of them, but maybe if they were true friends they would be understanding about what he's going through and try to help! NOT try to sabotage his efforts! His other problem is his own attitude, which I applaud him for trying to correct. However...he has many times mentioned his life as an actor in Hollywood as a factor..."that's life in Hollywoood." While that may be true...yes that lifestyle is a factor, it's not a good enough excuse! Many people manage to make good choices while living and working in Hollywood-actors or not. You simply have to use good judgment and common sense! I'm sure it's there for Scott, he's just supressed his judgment and common sense with partying and women for so many years he's forgotten how to use it!


In the second episode, it was clear that Scott Baio's friend Johnny Verankur would be a little lost if Scott were to settle down with one woman. He and the rest of the posse would have to realize they're not spring chickens anymore and were really damn lucky to get that many girls, but the fun's over. They've been hanging onto their youth for years via Scott's coattails. It's not pretty to watch girls get all worked up over those middle-aged Joe's. Scott's got the best head on his shoulders of them all. He's actually realizing that maybe he needs to grow up. The problem is they all need to realize it's time to grow up!




i think that scott and the doc would be the perfect couple i can see her looking at him and the tone in her voice changes i feel she is interested in him that is why she is setting him up on a date even though he has a girlfriend she is seperating him from his girlfriend to get close to him


I have been dating a guy for 2 1/2 years, that has a fear of commitment. I have been dirvoced for about 4 years and I'm 37, he is 45. He doesnt seem to have any desire to work toward a future together with me or my 6 yr old son. He is prefectly happy with only seeing me every other weekend when I dont have my son. We have talked about this and he says he just doesnt know how to act around kids and doesnt know what the future holds. I do love him very much but I dont know if I'm just wasting precious time that I could be looking for someone to share the rest of my life with.


i agree with most of you, he's hiding behind this macho image his friends expect of him. i think deep down he's in a lot of pain. he can't take any criticism and lashes out in false bravado. he's actually very insecure, but knows it is dangerous to show that in Hollywood.




Scott Baio, where has he been the last 20 years. I grew up with those shows he was on.. I am 48 and single, havent been in a relationship for almost 10 years so I know how he feels.. its great he is getting help. But the friends? On that very first-second show I want to knock one of them off it, and I think most of the other people agree. Scotts in an unhealthy relationship with at least one of them, and like him I was too with 2 people in my life, I have since ended those relationships although they were lifelong ones because I never felt good about myself around them, and they never made me feel good with all the critisims.. I wish Scott the best and hope that he will soon wise up that he needs to develop more health relationships that will allow him to grow and become a wonderful human being. Thats what I had to do for myself.


I see Scott got rid of the stripper, which was good for his relationship with Renee. I think he'll end up with Renee and be happy. But I also think he'll have days where he'll wonder if it's the right thing. We all do. He'll be like that because of his upbringing. Yes. He was a child star, and we've all witnessed how messed up they can be. But he's got potential to be as normal as can be expected. I'd call it semi-normal. If Scott or Renee actually read these....Good luck, Scott and Renee. We're pulling for you.

Chris L

I love this show and watch it every week. Why? this guy was a celeb of my youth and feel bad for him. He seems to have poor social skills esp with women, I hope that some of it is just acting to make the reality show seem more interesting. I find Scott more interesting than his friends, they seem more like freeloaders and people that get off hanging out with a celeb

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