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May 01, 2007
Jennifer ("Toasteee") Responds to Porn Release


Jennifer from Charm School (aka Toasteee) has given us an exclusive statement on the just-announced,  pornographic video Toastee Exposed, which is set to be released by Vivid later this month. Jennifer says that the video is being released "without my cooperation." Additionally:

I have decided that I could either put a lot of time, effort, and money into pursuing legal action to prevent the video's release, or I could put a lot of time effort and money into my medical degree; I choose the latter.

Update: Jennifer wrote us today (May 3) to further clear the air:

Just wanted to make sure I put the word in that this video was of me and an ex boyfriend; I was not paid. He released it without my knowledge.


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No comment from VH1 about this:




Quite clear to America Toastee used Flava show to promote her PORN. Flava called her out on season 2. Toastee cried and lied and said "Flava was wrong for calling her talent (and i used that word loosely) PORN". Mo'nique introduced America to Jennifer in Charm School. Jennifer looked toasted on the four epsiodes she appeared in. Mo'nique final words to her was "see a doctor before you become one". Jennifer "the medical student" PORN QUEEN was her agenda from the beginning. The only class TOASTEE is attending pays her when class is over. IF U KNOW WHAT I MEAN!(THIS MEDICAL STUDENT ONLY EXAMINES RECTUMS)


Jennifer is so cute
it was sad to see her go
and it's sad that this happens
to her now that she is known...
we all make mistakes in and it
kinda sucks when is payback time
but anyways i feel sad for her
since she doesn't seems to be
a bad person...


LMAO...I would NEVER let this lady be my doctor or the doctor for anyone I know. She should stick to porn, because she's really good at it! ..lol


HO HO HO!merry christmas



Humberto González

I looooovee Jenni


It is clear that Larissa's mom has no values to offer her daughter.Larissa, I have just one thing to say to you,you'll never get anywhere with that attitude if you don't change.Arrogant kings and queens are forgotten even before their deaths.

Eric Beard

Toastee....I wish your my wife...nothing like a beautiful and smart woman to have in your life

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